Available Options:
Arms:>snow ArmsNone (-£10.00) Body Finish:Plain White polystyreneSnow Effect (+£29.31) Hat Glitter Colour:>RedDior BlueOther colourPurple~Other Colour Hat Style:CapTop HatTall Hat (+£5.00)~Cowboy Hat (+£20.00) Mouth Style:.NoneCoal Mouth (+£6.00)Smile (+£8.50) Nose Glitter Colour:>OrangeotherPinkPurple Nose Type:>CarrotBall NoseCone nose Scarf glitter colour:Dior BlueGoldGunmetalMaroonOtherRedSilver~Brown
Design: Big Jack
Size Approx: 1100 mm high from base of body to top of hat.
Material: Expanded polystyrene containing a flame retarding additive.
This is a slimmer, less "sculpted" version of Frank. The body and head are predominately flat, with rounding at the edges. Jack can be finished in plain white or snow effect. H e comes with a baseball cap or top hat as standard, but the other hats will fit too! This is a versatile shape snowman, and can accommodate any of the available arm options.
Video - Snow effect
please select on right.either plain white or snow effect.
Select on right.