Rustlite Anchors
We have a selection of standard size Anchors available to buy or hire: 970 mm tall, 1070mm tall and 1500 mm tall. Each anchor comes with top chain.

Being sculpted from expanded polystyrene ( FRA ) , the anchors very light and easy to handle. We use a tough coating which makes them much stronger than plain polystyrene would be. Due to the nature of the material, the polystyrene chain offers low noise levels, and they are of cource easy to pick up and move - which can be especially useful for film sets.Finish Options
The anchors are available in a range of finishes. The Classic:"museum / Film" grade anchors have a highly realistic rusty looking finish. We then have the display grade which has less detail, and then the event grade - which is less detail again. We can also work to custom / bespoke finished and designs.

Individually Sculpted
The anchors are ideal for film sets, window displays and promotional events. We have a small selection in stock ready for hire, and can produce large quantities to order.Each RUSTLITE anchor is individually carved. In-fact, each link of chain is individually carved, which helps to give the props their unique and realistic look. The rustlite anchors are available for sale or for hire. All polystyrene used contains a flame retarding additive. EPS 70 E.
Design No. A107/01 : 107cm high anchor, plus 2 meters of chain £Calleach.
Design No. A150/01 : 150cm high anchor, plus 2 meters of chain. £Calleach
All prices are subject to packing, cariage and VAT.

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Graham Sweet Studios Ltd
•Founded in 1969, incorporated 2021• Retail Display • 3d Graphics • Props • Technical • Polystyrene Specialists
Please note that we are not open to the public. If you need to see us in person, please call to arrange an appointment.
Contact Info:
Contact us Sales: 029 20 522 510International Dialing: +44 29 20 522 510
[email protected]
Graham Sweet Studios
Units 6 7 & 8 Clos Menter.
Excelsior Industrial Estate.
Western Avenue
CF14 3AY
United Kingdom.
All content, images and designs © Graham Sweet Studios Limited
Graham Sweet studios Ltd, is a limited company registered in England and Wales with registered number 13562479